Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Society Dictates Lives

It is human nature to want to compare oneself to others as well as be like them and be accepted. I would hold society the most influential in shaping a person’s gender identity. I define “society” as the general or mainstream mindset of people which has eventually turned into spoken and unspoken rules of living.
Society pressures parents to raise children to be a certain way, to possess certain traits, and to look down on some behaviors as strange and wrong. Parents usually want their children to be successful in life, and their idea of success is measured by society’s reaction and acceptance. Stereotypical gender roles include such actions like sons should be sent into sports to build muscle and fame while daughters should go into dance, music, or art. (As a side note, I do understand though that parenting cannot account for all of a child’s gender development because a child’s personality cannot be changed by sheer will power, but society’s power if far-reaching.)
I believe environment can also be found, in a way, under society. Different groups of people based on their occupations and surroundings are given expected end results by means of how feminine the girls ought to be, and how much masculine qualities boys should possess. The expectations of a community of farmers will greatly differ from our presumptions of how New York City people are. Also, being around different types of people and cultures affects the traits one will value and the amount of masculinity or femininity one strives to obtain to be considered proper and normal.
One of society's strongest and individuality killing methods is the media. So many young Americans will see how the latest rapper or movie star acts, dresses, looks, and behaves then takes their new observations and strive to be like him or her. Their thinking is natural; those people are famous, loved, and accepted. For me to be the same I should be like them.
Overall, society dictates to everyone subconciously through widespread ideas and misconceptions what the ideal male and female are. Everyone wants to fit in (one way or another). Thus, many will develop (faking it until they make it true) the kinds of activities, clothes, looks, and actions to be a true woman or a real man.

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